Friday, February 12, 2010

feb 10 & 11

It is really hard to post a pic everyday but I am going to keep taking one everyday and posting when I can. So Wednesdays and Thursdays are my school days. I love going to school every week. I know that sounds weird but a masters program is so different because it is a group of people that are going through the program with you. You have many of the same people in most of your classes so you build relationships and have support. It is also classes only about the field you have chosen. No more generals to force yourself through just classes you are passionate about. Don't get me wrong it is hard work and you feel completely overloaded all the time but this is my passion my future I want to learn and soak in as much as possible. I freaking love it if I am being honest!!!

On my way home from school on Wednesday, as I was stuck in traffic, I looked to my left and saw the camper I just had to have. I had seen one a few months before and have been going off to Clint, my parents, and friends about how much I want one of those all chrome campers you never see anymore. I am taking the fact that they just keep pooping up around me as a sign that I will someday own one.

On Thursday I wasn't home until late since I had school all day and then I attend a group session at night for 6 weeks as an assignment for one of my classes. One thing I love coming home to every night is how excited Lilah (my big dog) is to see me. She is a very independent dog who makes you earn her love and attention and so far I am the only one she feels has earned the right to get kisses every day. Both my dogs have such different personalities and is so fun to see their differences. Chi Chi loves everyone and will get up in your face for attention. I love my dogs and wish I had more time to spend with them.

1 comment:

  1. Hey calli! Im actually really excited you started a blog...its a way better way to keep in touch with family. We need to get everyone to start blogging...but i added you to mine and if you look on the right side of mine you can find some of our familys blogs...corinne, katelynn, seth, katie ( ransoms wife ) and i might have some others. Your blog is cute, keep it up!
